DON'T TOSS OUT THAT EMPTY BOXED WATER CARTON, re-use or up-cycle it. Constructing a bow tie from the empty box is meant to be a statement about environmental friendliness and the fact that we care about this planet. We need to be more resourceful with what otherwise would become trash. Annually Boxed Water Is better donates 10% of their profits to the World Water Relief Foundations. As the company grows they will take on more foundations and they will need more supporters. To bring these supporters together Boxed Water Is Better will hold a charitable event.
The event, Boxed Water Is Better Bow Tie Annual Benefit Event will have donors (large contributors), supporters (contribute in various ways), guest and the Box Water leaders. The donors and supporters can easily be distinguished at the event. Donors will be wearing the Platinum Edition of the bow tie (original reversed) and the supporters will be wearing the original edition with the text facing outwards. This distinguishment amongst the guest will motivate those with out to take action so that they can also be part of this special event and stand out among the rest. The bow tie creates unity and the feeling of being part of some thing bigger than themselves. What a fun way for Boxed Water Is Better to up-cycle their own product.
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